Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Meatiest Way to Heal Faster From a Tendon Injury

The Meatiest Way to Heal Faster From a Tendon Injury

Got Tendonitis? Still suffering from a torn ligament? Wondering if that rip in your tendon is ever going to heal? 

The Meatiest Way to Heal Faster From a Tendon Injury

The Meatiest Way to Heal Faster From a Tendon Injury

The Meatiest Way to Heal Faster From a Tendon Injury

The Meatiest Way to Heal Faster From a Tendon Injury

The Meatiest Way to Heal Faster From a Tendon Injury

Aside from all the other reasons that go into making pain can linger for months, years, and decades there is one factor that is never talked about but plays a huge role in the body's capability to recover speedily from injury.

If you have tendon damage, whether it's a sports injury, a Rsi like Tennis Elbow or Wrist Tendonitis, or due to some other method of injuring your toughest connective tissue, you want it to heal quick.

Doctors and varied other health professionals, not to mention the internet, all say the best treatments for this kind of injury are rest, ice, anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid shots, splints and braces, and surgery.

Let's not deliberate upon all that in this article, but there is a vitally prominent component that is left out. It's the red headed stepchild of injury treatments, the poor thing. 

It is required for our very existence, but it seems nobody has seen it as prominent for the healing of exact injury.

Our connective tissue, tendons, and ligaments are made up of protein fibers. When we have rip and tear injuries whether big or small, the body tries to heal us by laying down scar tissue. Scar tissue is made up of protein fibers.  Scar tissue has its own problems but again we'll talk about that in someone else article. 

The point is, the body heals your injured protein fibers with other protein fibers.

And you need protein to replace all the breakdown of normal metabolism that happens daily. And you need protein to burn for fuel. And, of course, you know what I'm going to say next....

Yep. You don't eat adequate protein. I bet you think you do, but you don't.

It takes a inevitable amount of protein to meet your fuel requirements. It takes a inevitable amount of protein to replace what you lose on a daily basis from normal metabolism. It takes a inevitable amount of protein to keep your muscle mass where it's at.

You know that factoid that after the age of 35 we lose a pound of muscle mass a year? Yeah, that's not due to aging. That's due to not adequate protein.

If you want your injuries to heal faster, you must eat more protein. Period.

I once worked with a client with whiplash. I worked on her for months and months, and she still wasn't best long after she should have been. I told her to eat more protein for months and months. Then she came in one day, and had no pain. I couldn't find any pain when pressing into the usual spots of injury on her spine.

She had finally increased the protein she ate on a daily basis. And Bam! all her pain was gone. Her body had been trying to heal, had been wanting to heal, it just hadn't had the essential building blocks it needed to -actually- heal.

You can't make a fire without wood. You can't heal a tendon or ligament tear without protein.

Make sure you have adequate if you want to heal as fast as possible.

The Meatiest Way to Heal Faster From a Tendon Injury

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